Booking rules

GRANDE FRANK S.L.U., with Tax Identification Number B16652828 and located at Carrer de S’Aigua Dolça 65, 07871, Es Pujols, Formentera, Spain, phone number 0034.871.714962, markets the tourist apartments mentioned through VIVIFORMENTERA.COM.

The tourist apartment is in the conditions, furnishings, and services proposed with descriptions and photos proposed on the website The apartment is found clean, in perfect condition for use, conservation, and habitability, and all services are operational



VIVIFORMENTERA temporarily transfers the use of the described unit, including complementary tourist services indicated in the fourth clause, to the customer, who accepts the described tourist apartment, for vacation, leisure, or tourism purposes.

The temporary transfer of use is of the entire unit, so it is not allowed for people who have formalized separate contracts to stay inside the apartment, nor for the guest to transfer to third parties their right to use the contracted services.

The apartment must be occupied by the number of people established in the reservation, it cannot be increased without prior communication and in no case can it exceed the maximum capacity of the accommodation.

The maximum number of guests in a house or apartment refers to adults and children over 3 years of age, to this number a baby under 3 years can be added, in this case, the customer can request a crib at the time of booking


The accommodation is sold for the period indicated above. The apartment must be made available to the customer by 5:00 PM. The departure time will be by 10:00 AM and the apartment must be left free of objects and personal effects and deliver the keys in advance.

The reception opening hours in the months of June, July, August, and September are from 08:45 to 22:00, on Thursday from 10:00 to 12:30 and from 17:00 to 20:00. In the low season, these hours may vary. We invite you, therefore, to check them in the days immediately preceding your arrival. In the event that the delivery of the keys must take place outside of these hours, you must request it in advance indicating the date and time and agreeing on the modalities.

VIVIFORMENTERA may accept the delivery of the keys outside of the opening hours with or without a price supplement. If the keys cannot be delivered outside of the opening hours, the entrance may take place the following day


The price of the accommodation for the entire contracted period is as indicated above. This price includes:

This price does not include:


VIVIFORMENTERA undertakes to grant the customer the peaceful use and enjoyment of the contracted accommodation unit throughout the period established in the contract or reservation.

VIVIFORMENTERA will provide the following services that are included in the price:

Any other additional service not present in the contract is not included in the price.

The customer undertakes, at the end of the contract, to return the apartment in the same conditions in which he received it, including the furniture and accessories; being under his responsibility, he will be charged for any damages and losses.

The customer and the other guests will not be able to carry out in the apartment annoying, unhealthy, harmful, dangerous, or illegal activities. Nor can they store flammable, explosive, or corrosive materials there or develop commercial or industrial activities


The customer assumes joint and several liability for the guests who stay with him during the stay, assuming responsibility for possible acts against the property, negligence, or any inappropriate behavior. He will be directly and exclusively responsible for the damages, deteriorations, or losses in the apartment caused by the guests

The customer exempts VIVIFORMENTERA from all liability for damages that may occur to people or things and that are derived from structures for the services and supplies of the house

The customer exempts VIVIFORMENTERA from any liability for damage or loss of effects introduced into the accommodation

The property reserves the right to withhold from the deposit the following amounts depending on the damages or deteriorations caused by the guest’s misuse or negligence during the stay:

Extra cleaning: € 50.00, Damaged towels: € 50.00, Damaged sheets or bedspreads: € 100.00, Loss of house keys: € 30.00, Loss of safe key: € 50.00, LCD TV: € 250.00, LCD TV remote control: € 35.00, Microwave: € 100.00, Refrigerator: € 300.00, Sofa: € 500.00, Bed: € 200.00

It is totally forbidden to smoke tobacco or other substances inside the house, the transgression will be a reason for contractual resolution, eviction from the apartment, and loss of the amount paid.

The property reserves the right to automatic cancellation of the stay contract in case of vandalism, excessive noise, or any inappropriate or uncivil behavior that is dangerous or that generates annoyance and disturbance to the other guests of the building or neighbors, with loss of the amount paid.

It will also be a reason for contractual resolution the unauthorized exceeding of the maximum number of guests indicated for the accommodation


Cancellations of bookings made prior to the start day of the stay contract imply for the customer the loss of the amounts provided depending on the rate selected by him:

Standard Rate:

Discounted Total Payment Rate:

Rate with cash balance on arrival:

In case of cancellation of the contract by VIVIFORMENTERA for force majeure, meaning such abnormal and unforeseeable circumstances, the consequences of which could not have been avoided despite having acted with due diligence, the reservation will be canceled without the right of complaint by the customer; in this circumstance VIVIFORMENTERA will immediately return to the customer what has already been paid without any increase.

It is informed that under the provisions of article 103 l of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and users and other complementary laws, the right of withdrawal is not applicable.

The amount will not be refunded in case the customer abandons the reserved unit before the end date or enters it after the expected start date of the stay.

The amounts paid will be considered as a penalty for cancellations or impediments of any nature including health or political related to Covid or new pandemics, wars, strikes or failures of airlines, maritime, tour operators or any other reason of any nature that prevents reaching the rented apartment.

To protect this, you can insure the trip with an insurance of your choice.


Customers are informed that the personal data that facilitate this contract will be incorporated into a “clients” file registered with the Data Protection Agency, owned and responsibility of GRANDE FRANK S.L.U., with registered office at Carrer de S’Aigua Dolça 65, 07871, Es Pujols, Formentera, Spain, with the purpose of managing reservations of holiday tourist apartments.

For this purpose and in accordance with Royal Decree 170/2007, of December 21, our company will adopt the appropriate security measures to the personal data that customers will provide and we will put the means and appropriate measures to prevent their loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the same.

Likewise, through this, it allows your data to be processed for promotional and marketing purposes including among these actions sending commercial electronic communications for the range of products and services that we offer as well as others related to the hotel sector. We inform you that your data will be transferred to the Spanish State Security Forces and Corps



For any problems arising from the interpretation and execution of this contract, both parties submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Ibiza, waiving their own forum and as proof of compliance, both parties approve this contract which they declare to have seen and approved before concluding the reservation.

The laws of Spain are applicable.

Contractual booking clauses


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